
Urine Luck is a chemical solution, which destroys unwanted substances in the urine, which can be detected during a urinalysis. The product comes in two vials about the size of a pinkie finger and is added directly to the sample before being turned over to the medical personnel. It is designed for a daily user and for random testing because preparations are not needed. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR INSTANT SCREENS. PRODUCT NEEDS 90 MINUTES TO WORK. jandrugs.com
The Urine LuckTM changes the molecular structure of the compound, which also changes every chemical property of the compound. The equivalent would be changing someone's fingerprints. They might look similar but will actually be a different person because they have new fingerprints. This is also why Urine LuckTM works better on drug tests than on drug screens. The screens are a cheap and quick way to detect THCA and for this reason are harder to fool. The drug screen only adheres to the left side of the molecule; however, the Urine LuckTM alters the right side of the molecule (see explanation in test kit section). So even though the THCA is no longer THCA, the screen cannot differentiate between THCA and THCA-like. The GC/MS is much more accurate and looks at the entire molecule. When part of the THCA molecule has been changed, the GC/MS immediately recognizes this and will produce a negative result.
Urine LuckTM begins to works instantly, however, the longer in the sample the more effectively the product works due to increased contact time. Urine LuckTM works on all toxins, including alcohol and tobacco. These toxins are all organically based so the mechanism of Urine LuckTM with each toxin is similar, but not identical. It is undetectable, and contains no acids, Glutaraldehyde, nitrites, or pyridine. The instructions state to urinate 1-2 times before the test, because the first urination of the day has the highest toxin level. It does not hurt to have a couple of 8 oz glasses of water prior to the test. However, if the tester drinks too much water, the sample will be rejected for "too dilute", and Urine LuckTM is wasted.
Urine LuckTM has a 99.6% success rate at beating urine analysis if directions are followed. The directions are listed below which are also included in the package.
- Urinate 1-2 times before test.
- Simply shake both vials and add both vials of Urine Luck to 2-3 ounces (60-90 ml) of urine.
- Do not use with other Detoxifying Products.
- Do not drink more than 10 oz. of water an hour on the day of the test.
- Mix slightly.
- Do not take internally.
- Avoid contact with skin, may cause irritation; flush affected area with large amounts of water.
- Do not store in direct sunlight.
There is a formulation number on the directions – customers need to call Spectrum Labs or check the website to make sure their formulation is current. The shelf life is two years. However, Spectrum changes the formula approximately every 6-9 months to stay ahead of the labs. If a certain formula stays on the market too long, the product is reverse-engineered by the labs and eventually becomes detectable.
Most of the older formulas of Urine LuckTM can be detected. Formulas 1.0 through 6.6 are detectable by the labs; however, these products have not been sold for years. If the product is detected, it will show up as high level of chrome, chromates, or chromium. The tester not following directions usually causes this. If the entire bottle of Urine LuckTM is added to less than 3 ounces of urine, the chromate levels will be too high. Labs will often call the sample adulterated, presence of masking agent, or the presence of a blocker. (See Section 8 – Adulterating Compounds)
With current formulations of Urine LuckTM 6.9 and higher the directions state, "to shake both vials and add contents of vial to 2-3 ounces (60-90ml) of urine". If an individual fails to follow directions and adds the vials of Urine LuckTM to less then 2 ounces of urine the sample will be rejected as adulterated because the pH will be less than 3.0 or too acidic.
- Will Urine LuckTM work if it has been frozen? Yes, thaw the vial and bring to solution back up to body temperature before using.
- Does Urine LuckTM work on screens? Urine LuckTM is not recommended for screens. It is 80% effective on screens. If the tester is positive they have a screen only with no GC/MS, a product different than the Urine LuckTM should be used.
Warning: this product cannot be shipped to residents of AR, IL, KY, OK, NJ, NC or SC.