
Saliva Detox Kit for AMP, mAMP, COC, OPI, THC, PCP
The Saliva Detox kit for AMP, mAMP, COC, OPI, THC, PCP includes: 2-day supply of Pre-Vale capsules, Ultra Wash Toxin-cleansing mouthwash (1 bottle), 1 Saliva 6 Multi Drug Test Kit (AMP/mAMP/COC/OPI/THC/PCP) and 1 box of Aqua Clean or Quick Fizz Cleansing System. neomeds.net
At least 2 days prior to use avoid any toxins, drugs, alcohol.
Step 1: Start the Saliva Detox program by drinking plenty of water several days prior to the time you desire to be clean. Two days before the drug test, start taking 2 Pre-Vale Capsules twice daily. After taking the capsules, be prepared to urinate frequently.
Step 2: On the day of your deadline one hour before, Drop one Aqua Clean or Quick Fizz tablet into 10 ounces of water. Let the tablet dissolve, swish in mouth for about 10 seconds with each mouthful and swallow after the 10 seconds. Drop the second Aqua Clean tablet into 10 ounces of water 15-20 minutes before the testing. Let the tablet dissolve, swish in mouth for about 10 seconds with each mouthful and swallow after the 10 seconds. Quick Fizz or Aqua Clean will be effective on a saliva test up to 2 hours. Avoid food, beverages and toxins after using the product.
Step 3: Use the Saliva Multi Drug Test Kit to see if unwanted substances can still be detected in your saliva.
Step 4: To secure the success of oral fluid drug test use Ultra Wash Toxin-cleansing mouthwash as close to test as possible. Starting 5-10 minutes before the test, swoosh half of 1 oz. mouthwash for 2-3 minutes in the mouth and spit out. Do not to swallow the product. Repeat the same above step with the remaining mouthwash right before the test. Ultra Wash will be effective for thirty minutes on a saliva test. Refrain from any kind of beverages, food and toxins, immediately after the use of Ultra Wash Toxin-cleansing mouthwash.
- Urinate as often as possible. This is an important step in the cleansing process.
- Drink plenty of water several days prior to your deadline
- Avoid all unwanted toxins for 24-48 hours prior to the time you desire to be clean. (The longer the better!)
- Results may be temporary, TIME IT CAREFULLY!
Warning: Consult your physician before using this product if you are pregnant or breast feeding.
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