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Quick Fizz Detoxifying Tablets


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Quick Fizz effervescent tablets are an effective detoxifying product for both Saliva testing and Urine testing. The directions are different for each type of drug test being administered. Quick Fizz is a detoxifying product using the strength of unique combination of vitamin B2, Creatine and potent herbs (Uva Ursi, Dandelion, Cranberry, Gingko Biloba, Stevia) that actually holds the toxins in your body. Quick Fizz prevents the body from burning fat cells so the toxins are never released during a drug test. Quick Fizz works on all toxins (marijuana/ THC, cocaine, alcohol, nicotine, and other chemical and biological pollutants) and is undetectable. Quick Fizz is designed for individuals who smoke 4 times a week OR LESS. If the individual is over 200 lbs., it is recommended they consume two boxes of Quick Fizz. The effervescent tablets dissolve easily in water and taste great. leadmedic.com

Directions for Urine Testing only

  • Take Quick Fizz at least one hour before your drug test deadline.
  • Drop one Quick Fizz tablet into 20 ounces of water.
  • Let the tablet dissolve and drink it down.
  • Wait 15 minutes.
  • Drop the second Quick Fizz tablet into 20 ounces of water.
  • Let the tablet dissolve and drink it down.
  • Quick Fizz will be effective in one hour and lasts for up to 5 hours.

Directions for Saliva Testing Only

  • Take Quick Fizz within 30 minutes of your saliva drug test.
  • Drop one Quick Fizz tablet into 10 ounces of water.
  • Let the tablet dissolve, swish in mouth for about 10 seconds with each mouthful and swallow.
  • Drop the second Quick Fizz tablet into 10 ounces of water as close to the test time as possible.
  • Let the tablet dissolve, swish in mouth for about 10 seconds with each mouthful and swallow.
  • Quick Fizz will be effective on a saliva test up to one hour.


The Quick Fizz is recommended for light to moderate toxin levels.
Do not skip meals.
Avoid toxins for at least 48 hours prior to deadline.
Do not drink more than 10 ounces of water per hour.
If possible, schedule drug test deadline for the afternoon and urinate 3 - 4 times prior to deadline.

Product Warnings: This product is not intended for use on lawfully administered drug tests and is to be used in accordance with all federal and state laws.

We would recommend to use Pre-Tox Capsules as a "must have" assistant prior to use of Quick Fizz to assure your success.

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